Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department

English, Writing (The Writing Program)

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Writing (MFAW)

Degree Type



These Are the Words is a collection of personal essays above love, family, and converting to Judaism. The title refers the Hebrew name for the book of Deuteronomy: D'varim, "these are the words" — specifically, the words that Moses spoke at the end of forty years of wandering. The essays in this collection examine questions of belonging, commitment, ancestry, journeying, and "doing" versus "being." At the heart is an exploration of transitions and transformations: what it has meant for the author to come of age and find her path as a woman, a spouse, a survivor, and, at long last, as a Jew-by-choice.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Edward McPherson

Committee Members

Kathleen Finneran, Rafia Zafar

Available for download on Tuesday, September 03, 2047
