Date of Award

Spring 2019

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department


Degree Name

Master of Arts (AM/MA)

Degree Type



I investigated how recall and recognition differ depending on the nature of the memory items and what one is asked to remember about them. Participants were asked to remember lists of various types of verbal items, including words, nonwords, common first names, and the names of common objects in pictures that they viewed, or to remember the contextual information that accompanied those items, including their size, location, color, or font. Immediately following presentation of each list, free recall or recognition tests for items or context were administered. It has been proposed that memory for context, or source memory, differs from episodic memory for items themselves. Exploratory factor analysis suggested that the tasks studied consisted ofthat item recognition and item recall are separate abilities, but did not provide evidence for a separate memory for context.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Sandra Hale

Committee Members

Joel Myerson, Michael Strube


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