Date of Award

Spring 5-20-2016

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts

Author's Program

Art (Printmaking)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)




This statement describes my two bodies of work, Aufheben and Artist-Hero/Squish, in which I use printmaking processes to rewrite history. In Artist-Hero/Squish I mimic canonical paintings of women by modernist male painters and run my quotations of these paintings through the press while the paint is still wet on the canvas. Through this process, I examine, confront, and change the male-dominated history of art. Aufheben currently includes one hundred drypoint prints that catalogue the personal history of my mark. This series represents a process of constant change, with individual prints suggesting stages of my process including moments of growth and regression. I frame both of these series through the philosophies of Hans Belting and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel by classifying my processes as either acts of iconoclasm or Aufheben (sublation). I also use Jose Roca’s definition of a print as encompassing the matrix, the transfer medium, and the receiving surface, to compare my two bodies of work and examine how they address the history of art and the history of my mark.

Mentor/Primary Advisor

Lisa Bulawsky
