Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2024

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts

Author's Program


Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)




In this thesis, I explore the possibility of existence outside the confines of labeled identity through the lens of art, drawing inspiration from personal experiences of racial alienation and the desire to transcend societal labels. Through figurations and world-building, I challenge the notion that one's identity must be defined by categories such as race and gender. By removing categorical physicalities and portraying violence as a means to confront bias-motivated aggression, I aim to provoke dialogue on prejudice without further alienation. Through a blend of surrealism, abstraction, and neo-expressionism, I create tense yet playful presentations of bodies to communicate themes of disturbance, alienation, and ambiguity. Drawing from the work of contemporary artists such as Christina Quarles, Kerry James Marshall, and Kara Walker, I explore the representation of identity in visual media and seek to develop a method for figuration that benefits the narrative of identifying bodies with no identity. By incorporating themes of familiarity, recognizable iconography, and a call for empathy, I strive to invite skepticism of propagandized misconceptions regarding marginalized bodies and push the boundaries of labeled identity to question its motive. Ultimately, my goal is to construct a world where individuals are liberated from the expectations of performing to satisfy societal norms, and where the category of "human" transcends the confines of identity.
