Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Iranian Democracy: A Century of Struggle, Setback, and Progress, Bridget Marie Heing
Ladue Found, Charlene S. Bry
The Russian Sonderweg: A Course of Endless Exclusion, Joan Lee Rohlfing
The Space to Lead, Mack A. Bradley
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
China's Political Game Face, Fendy Yang
From Democracy Deficit to Liberal Political Consolidation: Foreign Assistance and Democratization in Africa, Amber Whittington
The Bosnian War and the New Great Game: A Case Study in Strategy and Diplomacy, Sarah Maurizi
The Development and Application of the "Petraeus Doctrine" During the 2007 Iraq Troop "Surge", Luke McCorkel
Women War Correspondents and the Battles They Overcame to Succeed, Angela Ness
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
And Others: Pursuit of Individuality in Minority Creative Expression 1984 - Present, Michelle Thomas
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Countries of Latin America: A Comparative Study The Cases of Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba, Beatriz Schiava
Great Power Rivalry In The Caucasus and Greater Caspian Region: 1991-2011., Arif Ahmadov
National Education Systems in the European Union, Edmund Staude
The Afghan-Pakistan Wars and the Political Geography of U.S.-Pakistan Relations, Sami Siddiq
The Bolivian Autonomy Crisis of 2007-2008, David Talburtt
The Georgian Crisis and U.S.-Russian Relations, Ekaterina Chertkova
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Foreign Policy Mismanagement During American Presidential Transitions, Linda Schulte
Historical Function of the Fictional Work of H. J. C von Grimmelshausen and Essad Bey, Sarah Griesbach
Mediating Moore: Uncertain Origins and Indeterminate Identities in the Work of C. L. Moore, Jennifer Jodell
Opium And Insurgency: Development And Decay In Southern Afghanistan, Adam Ebrahim
The Crisis of 1558; Schism in the Swiss Reformed Church, Charles Valier
The Heaven and Earth Haggadah, Krista Hyde
The Social Psychological Dimensions of US-Iranian Relations, Mariah Levison
The struggle for freedom, justice, and equality: The history of the journey of Iranian women in the last century, Poupak Tafreshi
Water Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Mali, Ria Elise O'Brien
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
An Analysis Of Sustainable Economic Development Initiatives: Why Aid Organizations Should Focus On Helping Women, Andrea Rooks
International Protection for Internally Displaced Persons, Kuan-Wen Liao
Role Of ICT In Revolutionary Movements Of The Former Soviet Union, And Why There Are No Roses, Oranges, Or Tulips, In Russia, Andrei Skurtu
The Changing Face of Arab-Islamic Terror: 1936 - 2008, Andrew Glauberg