Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2014

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Art

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Visual Art

Degree Type



Our own human experience is a distinct realm which can never be precisely duplicated in another lifetime. It frames our whole view of existence and, as artists, affects our art making process. The theory of the Tabula Rasa functions as the inspiration of my work and this writing examines my personal view of growing up in the internet age and America, and how my view of life, as well as artistic practice, is shaped by a consumerist culture that has gone global. Additionally, as a figurative painter, I create a context with other artists who create work about their own experience such as Liu Xiaodong, Jan Steen, Kehinde Wiley, Patrick Martinez, and Roger Shimomura. This paper ties many facets of culture together, along with my personal reflection, to ultimately examine its effect on my art.


English (en)

Program Director

Patricia Olynyk

Program Director's Department

Graduate School of Art

Committee Member

Jamie Adams

Committee Member

Jamie Adams

Committee Member

Jessica Baran

Committee Member

Kelly Shindler

Artist's Statement

Painting is so old that it has endured everything that any human has experienced. Regardless of the arguments if painting is dead, it still lingers around us everywhere just as air does. No matter what’s hot in the art world, painting can play the side dish or the main course. Everybody has their own view of what painting is and what makes it good or bad. While it’s impossible to erase painting’s history, I still attempt to substitute its massive amount of baggage with my own experiences. My work is a testament, a biography, of what it is to be a painter in 2014—capturing the ambiance of the global and consumerist age through the lens of my own life. #OMGLOLWTFBBQ

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