The aim of this independent study is to find a way to maximize the change in Elastic Modulus (stiffness) induced by applying magnetic fields to magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) devices made by combining Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers with metal particles. In order to achieve this, I tried changing conditions that I expected to impact the elastic modulus change induced by applying magnets to MREs, including MRE thickness, composition (wt% of carbonyl iron particles) and basal PDMS composition.
Document Type
Final Report
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences Independent Study
Date of Submission
Recommended Citation
Sun, Yuwen, "Tthe stiffness properties of pure PDMS elastomers and stiffness tuning of magnetorheological PDMS elastomers" (2022). Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Independent Study. 211.