English (en)
Publication Date
Fall 12-6-2024
Document Type
Final Report
Embargo Date
Problem Statement
Our project is in partnership with DeepSight, a startup working to revolutionize medical imaging through proprietary ultrasound sensing technology. Our objective is to create a custom surfacing machine to finish a critical ultrasound component. DeepSight’s new ultrasound system includes an aluminum component that requires a high degree of perpendicularity and a sub-micron finish on one side. DeepSight provided us with an existing grinding machine to retrofit to surface the aluminum part. Our goals were a surface roughness ofmicron, a surface perpendicularity ofmicrons, and the ability to process 3 parts inpart’s surface and ensure even surface wear. The part spins on special lapping paper intended for soft metals, such as aluminum, which smooths out the surface of the part. After being treated on our machine, the surface of the aluminum part appeared significantly smoother and to have even wear; however, further testing using specialized lab equipment is needed to determine if the prototype performance goals have been met.
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MEMS 411)
Recommended Citation
Minielly, Katherine; Clayton, Gaelen; and Villacis, Estela, "MEMS 411: Custom Surfacing Machine" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Design Project Class. 254.