English (en)
Publication Date
Fall 12-9-2024
Document Type
Final Report
Embargo Date
Problem Statement
The challenge was to design and develop an automated device capable of sorting and packaging six types of ball bearings—varying in size (1/4 inch and 1/2 inch) and material (stainless steel, brass, and nylon). The device needed to meet strict performance and design constraints, including fitting within a compact 20x20x20-inch footprint, weighing no more than 15 pounds, and sorting bearings with high speed and accuracy.
This problem represents a practical scenario in automated manufacturing, where efficient and precise sorting is crucial for streamlining assembly line operations. The solution required integrating innovative engineering mechanisms, such as size differentiation, material separation, and compact system design, to achieve a balance between performance, usability, and manufacturability while meeting the competition's specific requirements.
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MEMS 411)
Recommended Citation
Zhao, Jack; Cifuentes, Anri; Xiong, Shawn; and Li, Richard, "MEMS 411: The Ball Bearing Sorter Group N" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Design Project Class. 241.