English (en)
Publication Date
Fall 12-9-2024
Document Type
Final Report
Embargo Date
Problem Statement
Design and create a desk for a special education classroom of kindergarteners to third graders. The desk needs slanting capabilities, wheel chair accessibility, raising/lower capabilities, distraction prevention capabilities, and light board capabilities. These capabilities need to be configurable for students with different needs. This desk also needs to be very durable, safe, and mobile. The main motivation for this project is the desire to provide the teacher and her students with a single, cost-effective product that is safe, easy to use, and meets their desired needs.
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MEMS 411)
Recommended Citation
Cattoor, Catryn; Pilpil, Natalia; Burgasser, Jamie; and Wong, Adam, "MEMS 411: Adjustable Desk" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Design Project Class. 240.