English (en)
Publication Date
Fall 12-9-2024
Document Type
Final Report
Embargo Date
Problem Statement
The goal of this project is to design and construct a device that allows for the controlled study of mosquito egg-laying behavior in response to artificial light and temperature variations. Specifically, the device will limit access to cups of standing water, which serve as egg-laying sites, to preprogrammed times of day over a 7-day period.
The device should ensure the following:
- Control Access: The container should be open and closed at predetermined intervals, allowing mosquitoes to access the cups of standing water only during these times.
- Programmability: It should be easy for a novice to specify the opening and closing times.
- Durability and Weather Resistance: The container should be sturdy enough to withstand outdoor conditions, including varying temperatures and humidity levels.
- Power Supply: Ensure that the device has a reliable power source and can function autonomously for at least 7 days.
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MEMS 411)
Recommended Citation
Warren, Paige; Ciesla, Witt; and Sobel, Ethan, "MEMS 411: Timed Mosquito Egg Container Design Project" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Design Project Class. 239.