English (en)
Publication Date
Fall 12-20-2024
Document Type
Final Report
Embargo Date
Problem Statement
WashU Racing needs a device that will help them transport their Formula SAE car to and from their garage/paddock during events and testing when the car is unable to move under its own power. Pushing the car is very exhausting and requires at least 2 pairs of people, rotating in and out, to push the car. An electronically assisted push bar would only require two people to push the car and wouldn't experience exhaustion due to pushing the car. This device will function similarly to a shopping cart tug while also functioning as a rear jack for the vehicle that will for the rear wheels to be quickly removed.
Class Name
Mechanical Engineering Design Project (MEMS 411)
Recommended Citation
Snider, Ian; Tate, Hunter; Lillegard, Erik; and Wrasman, Maxwell, "MEMS 411: The EZ-Push FSAE E-Assisted Pushbar" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Design Project Class. 230.