
University Libraries

Publication Date

Winter 1-12-2012


In a world where social media are becoming part of our daily existence in a variety of ways, Twitter is making inroads as a method for engaging students. In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning found a higher rate of student engagement with faculty and course material--as well as better grades—among students who were Twitter users. Kristina, Makiba, and Brian will describe a collaborative experiment in integrating Twitter into two Art History courses in the fall of 2011. They will share lessons learned and engage participants in a discussion of best practices for using this technology in the classroom.



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Asian Art and Architecture | Library and Information Science


Co-presented with Makiba Foster and Kristina Kleutghen at iTeach 2012 Symposium at Washington University in St. Louis, January 12, 2012.

Teaching with Twitter: A Collaborative Experiment using Twitter in the Classroom
