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The James Merrill Digital Archive, comprised of Merrill’s poetry drafts, typescripts, and Ouija board session transcripts, is the result of expertise and input of many collaborators across the Washington University campus. Shannon Davis and Joel Minor will speak on various aspects of the project, including successful cross-campus collaboration, employing student workers to perform high level encoding and exhibit curation, and how Omeka was used to develop the digital archive. - Shannon Davis, Digital Projects Librarian, and Joel Minor, Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts
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Digital Humanities | Library and Information Science | Poetry
James Merrill, Ouija, poetry, Ephraim, spirit, XML, TEI, digital humanities
Recommended Citation
Davis, Shannon and Minor, Joel, "The James Merrill Digital Archive: Channeling the Collaborative Spirit(s)" (2014). University Libraries Presentations. 2.

Poster presented at the 2014 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, October 27-29, 2014