
How the Pandemic Further Derailed Historically Disadvantaged Public School Students

Document Type

Book Section

Publication Date


Publication Title

The Legal and Social Ramifications of Pandemics on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties


This guide is a one-stop resource for attorneys, legislators, and others to understand how COVID-19 affected the most vulnerable populations in the U.S., and examines important efforts necessary to promote and protect civil rights and civil liberties during crisis. The framework presented–by 30 attorney experts–sets the stage for how to approach and best provide support during times of pandemic.


COVID-19, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Legal Framework, Crisis Management, Pandemic Response, Public Health, Legal Protection, Social Support

Publication Citation

Kimberly Jade Norwood, How the Pandemic Further Derailed Historically Disadvantaged Public School Students, in The Legal and Social Ramifications of Pandemics on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 131-150 (Claire L. Parins ed., 2023)
