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Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
The Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights encourage engaging with businesses as partners in important global governance agendas. Indeed, many international organizations are now partnering with business groups to secure funding and private sector engagement. At the same time, reforms at the World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization and others seek to restrain the dangers of mission distortion and capture by business groups. Shareholders at major multinational oil and gas companies also recognize these dangers and seek to rein in lobbying that is at odds with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Despite these tensions, little scholarly attention has been paid to the regulations that govern how industry and trade groups may participate in the work of international organizations. Specifically, little attention has been devoted to how those regulations could best capture the potential benefits of business engagement while restraining the potential harms. This article offers a history of engagement between international organizations and industry and trade associations, reviews arguments for embracing or restraining their participation, and develops a framework for regulations to govern their access.
International Law, Business, Trade Associations, International Governance, Lobbying, Lawmaking, Policy-Making, Economic And Social Council, Participation, Lobbying, Climate Change, Non-State Actors
Publication Citation
Melissa J. Durkee, Industry Groups in International Governance: A Framework for Reform, 14 J. Hum. Rts. & Env't 4 (2023)
Repository Citation
Durkee, Melissa (M.J.), "Industry Groups in International Governance: A Framework for Reform" (2023). Scholarship@WashULaw. 406.