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Publication Title
Washington University Journal of Law and Policy
As a public-interest environmental lawyer, this author explores gender in the legal profession. Specifically, gender in environmental law. Through a recognition of the gendered dimensions of environmental law, this Article explores the nature-culture binary, the relationship of meat to masculinity, and perceptions of the risks and threats of climate change.
Environment, Environmental, Environmental Law, Public Interest, Gender, Legal Profession
Publication Citation
Elizabeth J. Hubertz, Earth Mothers, Soy Boys, and Cool Dudes: Practicing Law While Protecting the Environment, 62 Wash. Univ. J. L. & Policy 87 (2020)
Repository Citation
Hubertz, Elizabeth J., "Earth Mothers, Soy Boys, and Cool Dudes: Practicing Law While Protecting the Environment" (2020). Scholarship@WashULaw. 35.
Included in
Environmental Law Commons, Law and Gender Commons, Legal Profession Commons, Legal Studies Commons