From New Deal Liberal to Supreme Court Conservative: The Metamorphosis of Justice Sherman Minton
Publication Title
Washington University Law Quarterly
Justice Sherman Minton served on the Supreme Court from 1949 to 1956. He was the eighty-seventh person to sit on the Court and the first from the state of Indiana. While Minton clearly was not a Justice of major stature, his development from politician to jurist deserves study. Much of the evidence presented in this Article points to the value of a theory of judicial role in offering plausible explanations of certain aspects of Minton’s behavior as a Supreme Court Justice. Thus an attempt, however limited, is made to explain as well as describe judicial behavior.
Recommended Citation
David N. Atkinson,
From New Deal Liberal to Supreme Court Conservative: The Metamorphosis of Justice Sherman Minton,
1975 Wash. U. L. Q. 361
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