Volume 62 (2020) Celebrating 150 Years of Women at WashULaw
Telling the Story of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Susan Frelich Appleton
Gender Bias as the Norm in the Legal Profession: It's Still a [White] Man's Game
Kimberly Jade Norwood
Reforming the International Criminal Court: "Lean In" or "Leave"
Leila Nadya Sadat
It's Complicated: Reflections on Teaching Negotiation for Women
Rebecca Hollander-Blumoff
Earth Mothers, Soy Boys, and Cool Dudes: Practicing Law While Protecting the Environment
Elizabeth J. Hubertz
Sexual Violence, the Principle of Legality, and the Trial of Hissène Habré
Kim Thuy Seelinger, Naomi Fenwick, and Khaled Alrabe
Leveling the Playing Field: Disability, Title IX, and High School Sports
Johanna E. Christophel
Sense and Census Building: Capturing Tribal Realities in the U.S. Census
Elizabeth Hope Fink
All but the Rarest of Children: Miller and Montgomery's Implicit Ban on Victim and Community Impact Testimony in Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentencing
Allison M. Scoggin