Volume 58 (2019) Current Issues in State Tax Symposium
Wayfair: Its Implications and Missed Opportunities
Richard D. Pomp
Taxing E-Commerce in the Post-Wayfair World
David Gamage, Darien Shanske, and Adam Thimmesch
Missouri’s Taxation of Remote Sellers in a Post-Wayfair World
Charles L. Merriweather and John T.M. Whiteman
Regional Taxation in State Tax Reform
Kirk J. Stark
Alcohol Taxation and Child Maltreatment
Michael McLaughlin
The State-Charity Disparity and the 2017 Tax Law
Daniel Hemel
Effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on State Individual Income Taxes
Erin Huffer, John Iselin, Frank Sammartino, and David Weiner
State Responses to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: An Analysis from Indiana and Missouri
Richard C. Byrd, Stephen J. Madden, Jeffrey M. Raney, and John T.M. Whiteman
Red Rover, Red Rover, Please Let Me Keep Rover: Pet Exemptions in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Proceedings
Samantha Chestney
Domestic Decisions and Foreign Fragility: Injuries Abroad and the Federal Tort Claims Act
Robert Galloway
Looking to Purpose: An Examination of Statutory Interpretation in Denaturalization Cases
A. Remi Balogun