Volume 56 (2018) INSIDER TRADING
Insider Trading and the Myth of Market Confidence
John P. Anderson
Kokesh Footnote Three Notwithstanding: The Future of the Disgorgement Penalty in SEC Cases
Stephen M. Bainbridge
The Road Not Taken: A Comparison of the E.U. and U.S. Insider Trading Prohibitions
Franklin A. Gevurtz
Tipper/Tippee Insider Trading as Unlawful Deceptive Conduct: Insider Gifts of Material Nonpublic Information to Strangers
Joan MacLeod Heminway
Making Up Insider Trading Law As You Go
Peter J. Henning
The Fiduciary Principle of Insider Trading Needs Revision
Roberta S. Karmel
Starting a Conversation or Sending a Message: The Uses & Abuses of State Anti-BDS Speech
Danielle Haberer
We Want Wi-Fi: The FCC’s Intervention in Municipal Broadband Networks
Catherine L. Schwarze