Volume 52 (2016) Justice Reform
Balaji and Shekka Drayton
Enforcement and Enmeshed Consequences: The Limitations of Conventional Criminal Justice Reform
Shannon A. Cumberbatch
From Slavery to Hip-Hop: Punishing Black Speech and What’s “Unconstitutional" About Prosecuting Young Black Men Through Art
Donald F. Tibbs and Shelly Chauncey
Procedural Justice and Policing: Four New Directions
Rebecca Hollander-Blumoff
Civil Arrest? (Another) St. Louis Case Study in Unconstitutionality
Mae C. Quinn and Eirik Cheverud
(B)light at the End of the Tunnel? How a City’s Need to Fight Vacant and Abandoned Properties Gave Rise to a Law School Clinic Like No Other
Daniel M. Schaffzin
Getting to Yes-Means-Yes: Re-thinking Responses to Rape and Rape Culture on College Campuses
Eleanor Christie Gourley