Volume 48 (2015) New Directions in Community Lawyering, Social Entrepreneurship, and Dispute Resolution
Tokarz and Geetha Rao Sant
Transactional Legal Services, Triage, and Access to Justice
Paul R. Tremblay
Social Enterprise As Commitment: A Roadmap
Alicia E. Plerhoples
Designing a Clinic Model for a Restorative Community Justice Partnership
Susan L. Brooks and Rachel E. Lopez
You Help Me, He Helps You: Dispute Systems Design in the Sharing Economy
Heather Scheiwe Kulp and Amanda L. Kool
The Use of Mediation to Resolve Community Disputes
Charles B. Craver
Reworking Sexual Assault Response on University Campuses: Creating A Rights-Based Empowerment Model to Minimize Institutional Liability
Ashley Hartmann
“Snowed In" in Russia: A Historical Analysis of American and Russian Extradition and How the Snowden Saga Might Impact the Future
William C. Herrington
Unnecessary Roughness: Why the NCAA’s Heavy-Handed Amateurism Rules Violate the Sherman Antitrust Act
Stephen Shaver