Volume 43 (2014) New Ideas in Law and Legal Education
A. Joy
Legal Education at a Crossroads: Innovation, Integration, and Pluralism Required!
Karen Tokarz, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Peggy Maisel, and Robert F. Seibel
Stop Thinking and Start Doing: Three-Year Accelerator-to-Practice Program as a Market-Based Solution for Legal Education
Jeffrey J. Pokorak, Ilene Seidman, and Gerald M. Slater
Enriching the Law School Curriculum: The Rise of Transactional Legal Clinics in U.S. Law Schools
Susan R. Jones and Jacqueline Lainez
Envisioning a Twenty-First Century Legal Education
W. Warren H. Binford
Delusions of Adequacy? Examining the Case for Finding the United States Adequate for Cross-Border EU-U.S. Data Transfers
Christopher Wolf
Solving the Problem of Puppy Mills: Why the Animal Welfare Movement's Bark is Stronger than its Bite
Kailey A. Burger
Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Obtain Driver's Licenses in New Mexico: Revising, Not Abandoning, the System
Steven J. Escobar
Veterans Treatment Courts: Do Status-Based Problem-Solving Courts Create an Improper Privileged Class of Criminal Defendants?
Allison E. Jones