Volume 38 (2012) Acceess to Justice: Evolving Standards in Juvenile Justice: From Gault to Graham and Beyond
Juvenile Justice After Graham v. Florida: Keeping Due Process, Autonomy, and Paternalism in Balance
Kristin Henning
Delinquent by Reason of Poverty
Tamar R. Birckhead
J.D.B. and the Maturing of Juvenile Confession Suppression Law
Martin Guggenheim and Randy Hertz
Outside the Police Station: Dealing with the Potential for Self-Incrimination in Juvenile Court
Lourdes M. Rosado
Children in Chains: Indiscriminate Shackling of Juveniles
Kim M. McLaurin
The Harmful Use of Isolation in Juvenile Facilities: The Need for Post-Disposition Representation
Sandra Simkins, Marty Beyer, and Lisa M. Geis
Ghosts of Innocent Men: Necessary Implications of Skinner v. Switzer
Kathryn A. Harrington
Refusing to Settle: A Look at the Attorney's Ethical Dilemma in Client Settlement Decisions
Jane Y. Kim
Wikifreak-out: The Legality of Prior Restraints on WikiLeaks' Publication of Government Documents
Kyle Lewis