Volume 22 (2006) Access to Justice: The Social Responsibility of Lawyers | Prison Reform: Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons
Social Responsibility of Lawyers - Essays
Hastened Death and the Regulation of the Practice of Medicine
Ronald A. Lindsay, Rebecca P. Dick, and Tom L. Beauchamp
The Presumption of Liberty and the Public Interest: Medical Marijuana and Fundamental Rights
Randy E. Barnett
A Lawyer's Responsibility: Protecting Civil Liberties in Wartime
Geoffrey R. Stone
Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law
David Boies
Democracy, Race, and Multiculturalism in the Twenty-First Century: Will the Voting Rights Act Ever Be Obsolete?
Sheryll D. Cashin
Indian Givers: What Indigenous Peoples Have Contributed to International Human Rights Law
S. James Anaya
Prison Reform - Essays
Editor's Note
The Editors
Introduction: Prison Reform
Margo Schlanger
Making Prisons Safe: Strategies for Reducing Violence
Donald Specter
A Conundrum for Corrections, A Tragedy for Prisoners: Prisons As Facilities for the Mentally Ill
Jamie Fellner
Staff Use of Force in United States Confinement Settings
Steve J. Martin
Improving Prison Safety: Breaking the Code of Silence
Kathleen M. Dennehy and Kelly A. Nantel
Oversight and Accountability in Corrections
Michael J. Ashe Jr.
Submission to Vera Commission
Anne Owers
A Perspective on Corrections Health Care
Jeffrey Beard
Inmates As Public Health Sentinels
Robert B. Greifinger
Psychiatric Effects of Solitary Confinement
Stuart Grassian
Confronting Confinement: A Report of The Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons
John J. Gibbons and Nicholas deBelleville Katzenbach
No Place to Call Home: A Current Perspective on the Troubling Disenfranchisement of College Voters
Patrick J. Troy
Internet Pharmacies and the Specter of the Dormant Commerce Clause
Laura Vanderstappen
Playing Fair: Why the United States Anti-Doping Agency's Performance-Enhanced Adjudications Should Be Treated As State Action
Paul C. McCaffrey