Volume 19 (2005) Access to Justice: The Social Responsibility of Lawyers | Contemporary and Comparative Perspectives on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Social Responsibility of Lawyers - Essays
Negotiating the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 2001: Mass Tort Resolution Without Litigation
Kenneth R. Feinberg
Liberty and the Rule of Law After September 11
Viet D. Dinh
Breast Cancer Advocacy and Public Policy
Frances M. Visco
Taking Account of ARTs in Determining Parenthood: A Troubling Dispute in California
Marjorie M. Schultz
Of Hearts and Minds
Barbara J. Flagg
Commencement Remarks
Joel Seligman
Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Essays
Introduction: Contemporary and Comparative Perspectives on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Steven J. Gunn
Indigenous Legal Traditions in Canada
John Borrows
The Insidious Colonialism of the Conqueror: The Federal Government in Modern Tribal Affairs
Matthew L. M. Fletcher
Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual Property
Lorie Graham and Stephen McJohn
Att Hascu 'Am O 'I-oi? What Direction Should We Take?: The Desert People's Approach to the Militarization of the Border
Eileen Luna-Firebaugh
How Quickly We Forget: The National Flood Insurance Program and Floodplain Development in Missouri
Beth Davidson
Make Me Well-Liked: In re Grand Jury and the Extension of the Attorney-Client Privilege to Public Relations Consultants in High Profile Criminal Cases
Jonathan M. Linas
Dialing While Incarcerated: Calling for Uniformity Among Prison Telephone Regulations
Nicholas H. Weil