Volume 17 (2005) Biodiveresity, Biotechnology, and the Legal Protection of Traditional Knowledge
Introduction: Biodiversity, Biotechnology, and the Legal Protection of Traditional Knowledge
Charles R. McManis
Protecting Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
Stephen B. Brush
From the Shaman's Hut to the Patent Office: In Search of a TRIPS-Consistent Requirement to Disclose the Origin of Genetic Resources and Prior Informed Consent
Nuno Pires de Carvalho
Answering the Call: Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors
Michael A. Gollin
Answering the Call: The Intellectual Property & Business Formation Legal Clinic at Washington University
Charles R. McManis
Can the Television and Movie Industries Avoid the Copyright Battles of the Recording Industry? Fair Use and Visual Works on the Internet
Katherine M. Lieb
Predatory Pricing and Bundled Rebates: The Ramifications of LePage's Inc. v. 3M for Consumers
Roberto Ramirez
Is Boutique Medicine a New Threat to American Health Care or a Logical Way of Revitalizing the Doctor-Patient Relationship?
Jennifer Russano