Event Title
Three Remarks on Similarity
Brown Hall 100
Start Date
7-18-2016 9:00 AM
End Date
18-7-2016 9:30 AM
We consider three questions concerning similarity of matrices. Which matrices are similar to partial isometries? If $A$ and $B$ are normal, is $AB$ similar to $BA$? Which matrices are unitarily similar to their transposes (and what does this have to do with Lie algebras)? Along the way, we hope to highlight some interesting matrix theory results that deserve to be more widely known.
Three Remarks on Similarity
Brown Hall 100
We consider three questions concerning similarity of matrices. Which matrices are similar to partial isometries? If $A$ and $B$ are normal, is $AB$ similar to $BA$? Which matrices are unitarily similar to their transposes (and what does this have to do with Lie algebras)? Along the way, we hope to highlight some interesting matrix theory results that deserve to be more widely known.