Partition & Connection
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Shipping, the transportation of materials goods, is a worldwide industry that influences everyone’s life. Shipping is part of our lives. We consume large amounts of material goods, but this process also implies a huge transportation process. This is significant because the emission of carbon dioxide from shipping also contributes to climate change. On average each, person in St. Louis is responsible for enough carbon emissions to fill 3 largest size containers, by volume. Additionally, railways and highways divide our cities. These are connectors but also dividers, and I am choosing my location year railroads. My site is also near the United States Postal Service St. Louis hub and old St. Louis Union Station, now it becomes a hotel and aquarium. There should be a lot of tourists here. There are 3 primary elements in my design:
- Several paths made by asphalt and disused objects.
- Containers with planted trees and soil or piles of coal.
- Bare soil around the central path with no plants to show how railways are maintained to be without plants.
On the south side are containers showing the data. in volumes, about emissions and consumption. These human actions have environmental costs. On the other side, the design encourages people to exchange goods they do not need or want. The swap and market programs encourages people to buy and use local goods. I am trying to make connections between the Gateway Mall and the real situation of shipping. I use significant materials and like formations, while offering function and spatial dynamics.
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Landscape Architecture
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(c) Lei Liu
Recommended Citation
Liu, Lei, "Partition & Connection" (2020). Fall 2019 Confluence: St. Louis and Hinterlands. 3.
MLA 501, Fall 2019 Graduate Landscape Architecture Studio. Lecturer Micah Stanek, Washington University in St. Louis