Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Next-Generation Compositional and Chronological Sample Analysis of Lunar Low-Ti Basalts and Volcanic Glasses, Christopher Yen
Seismic Structure of the Alaska and Mariana Subduction Zones From Amphibious Data, Zongshan Li
Elemental and Isotopic Studies on Lunar Apollo Samples and High-Temperature Evaporation Experiments, Mason Neuman
Experimental Investigations of Elemental and Isotopic Partitioning with Applications to Geochronology, Lunar Crust, and Meteorite Erg Chech 002, Yuanyuan Liang
Reactivity of Adsorbed Trace Metals at Metal (Oxyhydr)oxide Surfaces as Probed with Isotope Exchange, Greg Ledingham
The Morphology, Spatial Distribution, and Collapse Mechanisms of Volcanoes on Venus, Rebecca Mary Hahn
Geochemical Processes on the Martian Surface: An Investigation of Dust, Mineral Transformations, and Trace Elements Along Rover Traverses, Abigail Leigh Knight
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Paleoclimate of the Peruvian Andean highlands during the late Holocene, Jarunetr Sae-Lim
A multiproxy approach to deciphering the geochemical evolution of cold seep environments, Robert Seth Wood
Application of Advanced Mathematical Approaches to the Interpretation of Remote Sensing Observations of the Surface of Mars, John Randall Christian
Deformation of Hydrous Magnesium Silicates in Subduction Zone Environments, Charis Madeleine Horn
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Synthesis-Based Approach to the Study of Fe(II) Oxidation in Smectites, Robert Joe Kupper II
The Isotropic and Anisotropic Structure of Antarctica from Seismic Inversion, Zhengyang Zhou
Low-Temperature Plasticity of Rock-Forming Minerals, Michael Keith Sly
Trace Metal Speciation and Impacts on Iron Oxide Transformations and Biogeochemical Cycling, Jinshu Yan
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Petrology, Geochemistry, and Experimental Studies of Mafic Enclaves and Amphibole at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka, Andrea Elizabeth Goltz
Iron and Manganese Oxidation by Oxyhalogen Species: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction on Mars, Kaushik Mitra
Potassium Isotope Cosmochemistry, Zhen Tian
Landscape Evolution at Endeavour and Gale Craters on Mars, and How Terrain Characteristics Correlate with Mineralogy on Lower Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, Madison Nicole Hughes
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Experimental Constraints on Igneous Iron Isotopic Fractionation and Diffusion, Kelsey Brianne Prissel
Seismicity and Shallow Structure at the Mariana Subduction Zone, Melody Eimer
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Understanding the Meaning of Microbialites as Geobiological Archives, Scott Randall Beeler
Quantifying Lithochemical Diversity of Martian Materials using Hierarchical Clustering and a Similarity Index for Classification, Michael Conner Bouchard
Local Environmental Controls on Sulfur Isotope Ratios in Marine Sedimentary Iron Sulfide Minerals, Roger Nicholas Bryant
The effect of depositional environment and early marine diagenesis on carbonate-associated sulfate, Jocelyn Ann Richardson
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Seismic Tomography of Antarctica and the Southern Oceans: Regional and Continental Models from the Upper Mantle to the Transition Zone, Andrew Jason Lloyd
Spectral and stratigraphic mapping of layered sulfate deposits on Mars using advanced CRISM data processing techniques, Kathryn Elizabeth Powell
Seismic Structure near the Mariana Trench and Deep Earthquake Triggering in the Tonga Flat Slab, Chen Cai
The Impact of Small Organic Acids on Iron and Manganese Mineral Transformations and the Fate of Trace Metals, Elaine Denise Flynn
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Genetic and Biological Studies on Solanum Plants: Insights into the Leaf Wax Alkane Paleoclimate Proxy, Amanda Lorraine Dorothy Bender
Effects of Regolith Properties on UV/VIS Spectra and Implications for Lunar Remote Sensing, Ecaterina Ioana Coman
Aqueous alteration of Endeavour and Gale Craters, Mars, using orbital remote sensing and rover-based measurements, Valerie Fox
The Evolution of Igneous Rocks on the Moon: Insights from Lunar Meteorites and Apollo 12, Sarah Valencia
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Stardust in Primitive Astromaterials: Insights into the Building Blocks and Early History of the Solar System, Pierre Haenecour
Seismic Array Studies of Antarctica and Madagascar, Martin James Pratt
Seismic Studies of the Tonga Subduction Zone and the Lau Back-arc Basin, Songqiao Wei
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Investigating the Complexity of Impact Crater Ejecta, Michael Raymond Zanetti
Ion Interactions at the Mineral-Water Interface During Biogeochemical Iron and Manganese Cycling, Margaret A. G. Hinkle
Photometric Investigations of Lunar Landing Sites and Silicic Regions using LRO Narrow Angle Camera Images, Ryan Nicole Watkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Zinc and Copper Isotopic Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation, Heng Chen
The Late Ordovician Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle, John Garrecht Metzger
Studies of Seismic Sources in Antarctica Using an Extensive Deployment of Broadband Seismographs, Amanda Colleen Lough
Materials and Surface Processes at Gale Crater and the Moons of Mars Derived from High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Orbital Datasets, Abigail Ann Fraeman
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Volatization of Extraterrestrial Materials as Determined by Zinc Isotopic Analysis, Randal Christopher Paniello
Mineralogy of Hypermineralized Bone, Zhen Li
The Diversity, Petrogenesis, and Geochronology of Granitic Lunar Lithologies, Stephen Michael Seddio
Iron Isotope Cosmochemistry, Kun Wang
Icy Satellite Tectonic, Geodynamic and Mass Wasting Surface Features: Constraints on Interior Processes and Evolution, Kelsi Nab Singer
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Geodynamic Interpretations of Global Topography and Gravity on Venus and Mars, Christopher Orth
Characterization of Martian Surfaces using Mechanical and Spectrophotometric Models, Amy Shaw
Trace Element Cycling during Iron(II)-activated Recrystallization of Iron(III) Oxide Minerals, Andrew Frierdich
Seismic Array Analysis of Core-Diffracted Waves and Microseisms, Garrett Gene Euler
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Hydrology And Geochemistry Of Urban And Rural Watersheds In East-Central Missouri, Elizabeth Hasenmueller
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Structure and seismicity of the upper mantle using deployments of broadband seismographs in antarctica and the Mariana Islands, Mitchell Barklage
The Water Cycle at the Phoenix Landing Site, Mars, Selby Cull
Remote Sensing and Terramechanics Study of Mars using Orbital and Rover Data Sets, Kimberly Lichtenberg
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Geologic Setting of the Phoenix Lander Mission Landing Site, Tabatha Heet
A New Quantitative Method for the Taxonomic Identification of Tetrapods, Stephanie Kuster
Geoarchaeology of the Danilo Bitinj and Pokrovnik Sites, Dalmatia, Croatia, Cynthia Fadem
Multi-element isotopic analyses of presolar graphite grains from the Orgueil meteorite, Manavi Jadhav
Plume formation in strongly temperature-dependent viscosity fluids: Application to early Mars, Yun Ke