Document Type

Technical Report

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Technical Report Number



Context-aware computing refers to a computing paradigm in which the behavior of individual components is determined by the circumstances in which they find themselves to an extent that greatly exceeds the typical system/environment interaction pattern common to most modern computing. The environment has an exceedingly powerful impact on a particular application component either because the lat-ter needs to adapt in response to changing external conditions or be-cause it relies on resources whose availability is subject to continuous change. In this paper we seek to develop a systematic understanding of the quintessential nature of context-aware computing by constructing a formal model and notation for expressing context-aware computations. We start with the basic premise that, in its most extreme form, context should be made manifest in a manner that is highly local in appear-ance and decoupled in fact. Furthermore, we assume a notion of context that is relative to the needs of each individual component, and we expect context-awareness to be maintained in a totally transparent manner with minimal programming effort. We construct the model from first princi-ples, seek to root our decisions in these formative assumptions, and make every effort to preserve minimality of concepts and elegance of notation.


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