Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
Context-aware computing refers to a paradigm in which applications sense aspects of the environment and use this information to adjust their behavior in response to changing circumstances. In this paper, we present a formal model and notation (Context UNITY) for expressing quintessential aspects of context-aware computations; existential quantification, for instance, proves to be highly effective in capturing the notion of discovery in open systems. Furthermore, Context UNITY treats context in a manner that is relative to the specific needs of an individual application and promotes an approach to context maintenance that is transparent to the ap-plication. In this paper, we construct the model from first principles, introduce its proof logic, and demonstrate how the model can be used as an effective abstraction tool for context-aware applications and middleware.
Recommended Citation
Roman, Gruia-Catalin; Julien, Christine; and Payton, Jamie, "Modeling Adaptive Behaviors in Context UNITY" Report Number: WUCSE-2005-48 (2005). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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