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Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
Crossbar-based switches are commonly used to implement routers with throughputs up to about 1 Tb/s. The advent of crossbar scheduling algorithms that provide strong performance guarantees now makes it possible to engineer systems that perform well, even under extreme traffic conditions. Until recently, such performance guarantees have only been developed for crossbars that switch cells rather than variable length packets. Cell-based crossbars incur a worst-case bandwidth penalty of up to a factor of two, since they must fragment variable length packets into fixed length cells. In addition, schedulers for cell-based crossbars may fail to deliver the expected performance guarantees when used in routers that forward packets. We show how to obtain performance guarantees for asynchronous crossbars that are directly comparable to those previously developed for synchronous, cell-based crossbars. In particular we define derivatives of the Group by Virtual Output Queue (GVOQ) scheduler of Chuang et al. and the Least Occupied Output First Scheduler of Krishna et al. and show that both can provide strong performance guarantees in systems with speedup 2. Specifically, we show that these schedulers are work-conserving and that they can emulate an output-queued switch using any queueing discipline in the class of restricted Push-In, First-Out queueing disciplines. We also show that there are schedulers for segment-based crossbars, (introduced recently by Katevenis and Passas) that can deliver strong performance guarantees with small buffer requirements and no bandwidth fragmentation.
Recommended Citation
Turner, Jonathon, "Strong Performance Guarantees for Asynchronous Buffered Crossbar Schedulers" Report Number: WUCSE-2007-52 (2007). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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