Document Type

Technical Report


Computer Science and Engineering

Publication Date






Technical Report Number



Current methods for high-throughput automatic annotation of newly sequenced genomes are largely limited to tools which predict only one transcript per gene locus. Evidence suggests that 20-50% of genes in higher eukariotic organisms are alternatively spliced. This leaves the remainder of the transcripts to be annotated by hand, an expensive time-consuming process. Genomes are being sequenced at a much higher rate than they can be annotated. We present three methods for using the alignments of inexpensive Expressed Sequence Tags in combination with HMM-based gene prediction with N-SCAN EST to recreate the vast majority of hand annotations in the D.melanogaster genome. In our first method, we “piece together” N-SCAN EST predictions with clustered EST alignments to increase the number of transcripts per locus predicted. This is shown to be a sensitve and accurate method, predicting the vast majority of known transcripts in the D.melanogaster genome. We present an approach of using these clusters of EST alignments to construct a Multi-Pass gene prediction phase, again, piecing it together with clusters of EST alignments. While time consuming, Multi-Pass gene prediction is very accurate and more sensitive than single-pass. Finally, we present a new Hidden Markov Model instance, which augments the current N-SCAN EST HMM, that predicts multiple splice forms in a single pass of prediction. This method is less time consuming, and performs nearly as well as the multi-pass approach.


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