Document Type
Technical Report
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Technical Report Number
We present a novel federated scheduling approach for parallel real-time tasks under a general directed acyclic graph (DAG) model. We provide a capacity augmentation bound of 2 for hard real-time scheduling; here we use the worst-case execution time and critical-path length of tasks to determine schedulability. This is the best known capacity augmentation bound for parallel tasks. By constructing example task sets, we further show that the lower bound on capacity augmentation of federated scheduling is also 2 for any m > 2. Hence, the gap is closed and bound 2 is a strict bound for federated scheduling. The federated scheduling algorithm is also a schedulability test that often admits task sets with utilization much greater than 50%m.
Recommended Citation
Li, Jing; Saifullah, Abusayeed; Agrawal, Kunal; and Gill, Christopher, "Capacity Augmentation Bound of Federated Scheduling for Parallel DAG Tasks" Report Number: WUCSE-2014-44 (2014). All Computer Science and Engineering Research.
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