Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Degree Type
ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION Adjustment to College following the COVID-19 Pandemic Objective: The present study examined the relationship between college adjustment and individual differences following the COVID-19 pandemic. It compared the adjustment of students who attended college pre-pandemic (2019) and post-pandemic (2022) and investigated the role of individual difference variables in this adjustment. Method: The study involved 118 pre-pandemic and 250 post-pandemic first-time college students. Both cohorts’ adjustment was assessed at the end of their first semester. The post-pandemic cohort was also evaluated on individual difference measures like loneliness, personality, and emotion regulation. Results: Post-pandemic students exhibited poorer adjustment compared to their pre-pandemic peers, reporting lower personal-emotional adjustment, satisfaction with academics, and positive affect, as well as higher academic stress. Loneliness emerged as a pervasive negative predictor across all adjustment domains, while personality traits like higher extraversion and conscientiousness were associated with better adjustment. Cognitive reappraisal predicted higher personal-emotional adjustment. Expected predictors, including problem-focused coping and pandemic-related variables, were not uniquely predictive of adjustment. Conclusion: These findings emphasize the critical role of individual differences in shaping college adjustment outcomes, irrespective of disruptive events like the pandemic. Interventions such as peer mentorship programs and first-year courses focusing on emotional resilience and adaptive coping strategies may enhance students' ability to navigate the demands of college life. This research highlights the importance of integrating emotional, social, and academic supports to foster student well-being and retention in a rapidly evolving higher education landscape.
English (en)
Chair and Committee
Mike Strube
Committee Members
Andy Butler; Cindy Brantmeier; Desiree White; Renee Thompson
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Neco Xyavier, "Adjustment to College following the COVID-19 Pandemic" (2024). Arts & Sciences Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3389.