Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Author's School

Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Author Department/Program

Graduate School of Architecture

Degree Name

MS in Architectural Studies

Degree Type



The state of Colorado and its capital city of Denver conjure up mental images of swift skiers flying down snowy slopes, hikers making their way through dense forests, and enormous mountain ranges penetrating the skyline with their jagged peaks. The image of Colorado is one of the scenic beauty of the outdoors that awaits any tourist, and its capital city is at the center of it all. Since its founding in 1858, Denver has gone from a small pioneering village to a large metropolis with a spot on the global map. The history and development of this city is a case study in flexibility and adaptation to changing conditions and circumstances. What factors, influences, and precedents shaped the course of Denver and how it grew? What forced the city to expand the way that it did? And most importantly, what influenced the architectural and urban development of Denver?


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Dr. Eric Mumford Dr. Robert Moore

Included in

Architecture Commons
