Looking Back, Looking Ahead - Reflections from the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC
Publication Title
Washington University Global Studies Law Review
The ICC was created in 1998 by the Rome Statute. The Statute defines the mission of the Office of the Prosecutor (“OTP”): to put an end to impunity for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community—genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes—and thereby contribute to the prevention of such crimes. The OTP and the Court itself are part of a new system of international justice created by the Statute. There are now 121 State Parties to the Rome Statute, the latest member being the Guatemala, all committed to prevent and punish massive crimes, using the rule of law to protect their own citizens. This is a twenty-first century institution.
Recommended Citation
Fatou Bensouda,
Looking Back, Looking Ahead - Reflections from the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC,
Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev.