Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2016

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Author's Department


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Type



In this dissertation we will address three results concerning the limiting behavior of variations of Hodge structures. The first chapter introduces the main concepts involved and fixes some notation. In chapter two we discuss extension classes representing LMHS, compute them for a class of toric families and introduce an alternative method for the computation of VHS arising from middle convolution. The next chapter is concerned with the so called Apery constants; we provide a method of computing such constants by using higher normal functions coming from geometry. Finally, in the last chapter we analyze a family of surfaces with geometric monodromy group G2, and discuss the generic global Torelli theorem for such a family.


English (en)

Chair and Committee

Matt Kerr

Committee Members

Charles Doran, John Shareshian, Roya Beheshti, Wushi Goldring,


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